Dear DC Connections Club Supporter

You are invited to join the DC Connections Club and enjoy special fellowship, meals, programs, and events with your retired friends and colleagues. The club was formed in 1989 and its principal activities are social. Monthly luncheon meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of each month, with a social hour from 11-12, lunch from 12-1, followed by interesting and entertaining programs from 1-2. Other club activities include a golf outing, a large summer picnic and a large Christmas/Holiday party. (You may bring a guest with you to each event). If you have any questions about Club membership, please contact us at: [email protected]

As a DC Connections Club Member, you will be able to keep in touch with other Dow Corning peeps using the Membership Directory which has complete home addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the members. It is published once a year around April. For Connection Club Members outside the Midland area, come join us when you are in the area.

The annual dues are $10.00. To join, send a check for $10.00, along with this membership form with your name, address, email, and phone number to:

DC Connections Club
PO Box 2272
Midland, MI 48641-2272

Fill out the downloadable form and mail it to us to update your membership.